Young people represent our most important and cherished resource as they represent the future of our community and nation.  While the post-modern era and technology explosion has created unprecedented opportunities for future generations, the number of at-risk and underserved children has still been increasing dramatically over the last decade.

Income disparities, single-parent families, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, domestic violence, discrimination, gang violence and immigration issues present serious challenges to at-risk and underserved children’s ability to achieve their full potential in life. New Beginnings is launching a Youth Mentoring Program to target at-risk youth who have displayed behavioral indicators that often lead to early substance abuse, teen pregnancy, drop-out, and other negative and risky behaviors.

Our program is designed to address the disparity that exists in our communities and is committed to providing underserved youth with access to positive adult role models, risk prevention education, and athletic and academic enrichment opportunities vital to future success.

The Program includes a variety of educational classes and team building activities that emphasize the development of self-worth and personal responsibility in the participants. The Program stresses the importance of education and addresses topics such as drug & alcohol awareness, teen pregnancy, basic life skills, goal setting, domestic violence and career choices. Youth mentoring is the process of matching mentors with young people who need or want a caring, responsible adult in their lives. The goal of youth mentoring programs is to improve the well-being of the child by providing a role model that can support the child academically, socially and/or personally. Our mentors are volunteers who will be screened extensively by New Beginnings and then allowed to participate in classes, team building and outreach activities.

This provides a safe, supervised environment which leads to the development of personal (one-on-one) mentoring relationships.  These relationships ultimately transcend organized group activities as the mentor serves as role model, friend, advocate, encourager and responsible, caring adult in the young person’s life.  New Beginnings will continue to serve as a monitor and resource to ensure a successful result. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations.  At-risk youth who have a mentor are much more likely to enroll in college, volunteer regularly and hold leadership positions.

Mentoring promotes positive social attitudes and relationships. Mentored youth tend to trust their parents more and communicate better with them.

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